Wow & Oops moments

Set The Perfect Ambiance for Valentine's Day


With Valentine's Day just around the corner, I wanted to share some romantic tips for my business readers who are conjuring up how to set the mood for someone memorable. The first thing that comes to our mind are red roses, candles, and then...what else can I do to make it more original?


1) Use your connections!! If you know a restaurant owner or chef, find out if they can print a special valentines menu for both of you. 

2) Find way to create a WOW moment during dinner. Call a restaurant in advance and ask them if they are willing to do a special favor while waiting on you. THE FAVOR: Hold up a chalkboard that holds a special message for a date. HOW TO GET AWAY WITH IT. click here to read the rest of the story....

Buy a chalkboard and have it pre-written across the top "Tonight's Specials....." and then write a special message on it. During dinner, excuse yourself to the bathroom and grab the chalkboard from the car. Make sure to hand it to your waiter. Have the waiter ask if you all would like to see "Today's Specials."

Here are sample messages: 


If married:

"Will you marry me all over again?"

"Run away with me this weekend to <favorite place> without the kids?"


If you are not married:

"Will you marry me?"

"Would you be my date for the upcoming <favorite band> concert?"


TIP...And when you get their attention, have a rose on the plate, so that they know it is not about a gift but a touch of romance. I promise you the look in their eyes will be priceless.


Please feel free to send us a tweet to @EventsByIndigo with hashtag #MakeVDMemorable or email us a picture of what you put together! 

Posted by Indigo Events at 10:05
2 Response(s) To
"Set The Perfect Ambiance for Valentine's Day"
  • Ivan Mynzhener

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  • Okss Gor


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