Wow & Oops moments

Indigo Events helps put on a women's empowerment event in Bogota, Colombia

On May 25 Indigo Events, in cooperation with the Colombian newspaper La Republica, produced a women’s empowerment seminar in Bogota, Colombia. The event, called “El Poder del los Talcones en el siglo XXI,” or “The Power of Heels in the 21st century,” started at 7 a.m. and lasted until 8 at night. It was held at El Cubo, a modern convention center in Bogota owned by Colsubsidio, and was open to women from all walks of life, from students to business executives. An array of topics were discussed from how to prevent unwanted teenage pregnancy to becoming the best business professional you can be.  Fifteen speakers spoke through out the day on a panel of success ranging from Angela Gomez, who is the head of a foundation that educates 1,000 girls of very low income, to Laura Camacho, president of Google in Colombia, who spoke about her challenges of having a family and a high profile job. Pilar Castano, a fashion journalist and writer of the book “Profession: Being a Woman,” spoke  about how she went from being a teenage model  to becoming a host of the Colombian version of CNN. Pilar is one of the most influential figures in the Colombian fashion market. She let the women know that family was very important to her and that you can create an equilibrium between family and work. From 10 to 10:30 there was a refreshing coffee break and immediately after Martha Lucia Ramirez, the Minister of Commerce, spoke about becoming the first female Minister of Defense of the Colombian military, a position held only until now by a male general. She talked about becoming the first female general commander of the Colombian military. Cristina Plazas Michelsen , who is part of the government’s high council for women’s equality,  talked about the many programs that are being created to empower women. All of the women speakers identified different elements that allowed them to play various roles to contribute to the growth of Colombia’s economy.  Each woman had from half an hour to an hour to speak and have a discussion with the audience. The event was a wonderful way for women to come together and better each other through knowledge and discussion while reinforcing the idea that they could all reach their dreams regardless of their circumstances, education or financial status.  

Posted by Indigo Events at 10:51
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